FAQ – HB klik/mHBklik (residential customer)

FAQ – most frequently asked questions and answers (electronic / mobile banking) - residential customer

How do I log in?

  • Hb klik – type in username/number and code, and TAN number on the other side
  • mHb klik – type in username/number and code and SmsOtp, which appears on the screen, on the other side
2. How can I change my PIN?
PIN can be changed in the application, in Settings (mHb klik) or Change PIN (Hb klik).

3. If I change my telephone number, how will I receive SmsOtp?

You need to visit the nearest branch and fill in a request for entering the new number into the application.

4. How do I pay a telephone bill (what to enter in the fields model and number of approval)?

TELEPHONE NUMBER for which the bill is to be paid should be entered in the field "number of approval".

5. How do I pay a water bill (what to enter in the fields model and number of approval)?

CONSUMER CODE should be entered in the field "number of approval".

6. How do I pay electricity bill (what to enter in the fields model and number of approval)?

SUBSCRIPTION NUMBER should be entered in the field "number of approval".

7. How do I pay tax?

You should enter 18 in the field "model of approval", and Personal Identification Number - municipality code in the field "number of approval".

8. How do I pay a fine (Penalty bill)?

You should enter 05 in the field "model of debit", and number of the fine in the field "debit number".    

You should enter 18 in the field "model of approval", and Personal Identification Number - municipality code in the field "number of approval".

Select purpose of payment – Fines (Penalty bill)

9. How do I make a payment without typing in a complete account number (with all zeros)?

If a complete account number is not typed in (18 digits), the number with – or + can be entered (this replaces zeros in the account). For example, account number 52000000000011122 can be typed in as 520-111-22.

10. How can I see changes in the account?

Hb klik - in the field Balance / click on the account number displays all transactions and changes in the account (inflows, outflows)

mHb klik – in the field Accounts / a click on an account displays all transactions and changes in the account (inflows, outflows)

11. Does TAN's that I receive on the HB KLIK card may wear out or expire?

TAN list on the Hb klik card can be used as long as the card is active. TANs cannot get used up.

12. How can I change Tan list for SmsOtp?

You need to visit the nearest branch and fill in a request to change the manner of authentication (TAN card is changed for SMS OTP).

13. How can I print a paid payment order? 

In the field Inquiry / paid payment orders contains an overview of all executed payment orders and a click on the number of a payment order opens it for review and thus for printing it as a proof of payment. There is the option Print data at the end of the page, or simply click on File/Print (the same as printing any other document).

 14. After how many unsuccessful attempts does the account locks?

An account is blocked after three wrong entry of data (PIN, TAN or SMS OTP). 

15. How can I unblock my account?

To unblock an account dial the Call Centre number 19905 or send an e-mail to email adresa.

mHb klik – Report problem – a blocked account can be reported and the account unblocking requested.

16. Can all accounts of a client in the bank can also be visible in Hb klik/mHb klik?
All accounts that a client wants to have in the application are listed in the Application Form. For the accounts open afterwards and including such accounts in the application requires filing a request with the nearest branch of the bank.