Monday , December 2nd, 2019.
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Hipotekarna banka AD Podgorica (the »Bank«) was held on December 2nd, 2019 at the Bank's premises in Josip Broz Tito str, no. 67, starting at 11:00 a.m.
Out of the total number of 31305 votes, the Shareholders Meeting was attended by the shareholders and shareholder proxies with 20302 votes, representing 64.8523% of the total number of votes.
With 20302 votes, the shareholders present, either personally or through proxies or legal representatives, adopted:
- Minutes of the XXI Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Hipotekarna banka AD Podgorica held on June 25th, 2019;
- Decision on 3rd emission of subordinated bonds of Hipotekarna banka AD Podgorica with closed offer addressed to a previously determined number of persons.